7504K in Bi-metal
Geometrically conform to DIN 7504K. Mechanical properties will follow Sun Through's own standard.The material is A2/A4 grade stainless steel as head and shank part plus hardened middle carbon steel as drilling tip part.
*The sample in the photo is not plated or coated to demonstrate bi-metal appearance. It will not be distinguishable from steel screw after galvanized or coated.
Head Types Available: DIN 7504 Series/ Truss Head/ Bugle Head/ Wafer Head
Sizes Available: M4.8/ M5.5/ M6.3
Length Available: 25mm to 300mm
Drilling point stype: flat point, sharp point, 2P, 3P, 4P, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9